Thursday 4 October 2012

500naira Networking Club Review | Making Money Online In Nigeria

Making Money Online has been the search of so many Nigerians, Since they know that making Money Online is real and anybody who is ready to work and learn can make money Online for real. this is the reason why i created this blog to Update Nigerians On the trends Of Making Money Online In Nigeria.

The Latest New Refferal programme in Nigeria pays it's users 60% of thier downline fee for lifetime, i want you to know that there is a plain differentce between making money and making a residual income online. Residual income is a lifetime income that even if you don't raise a finger again money will still pour like rain into your bank account.

This type of business doesn't want you to quit your job if you can do both together, It give you freedom to do anything you want, I am talking of a business that once you work hard for the first month or so you can stop working and still get paid.

However, despite the fact that you need money to invest online before you can set up a profitable internet business, at times you will need to get a computer, preferably a laptop before you can be on your real fit to internet business, But this business i am here to talk about doesn't need you to rob a bank before you can start, and it's guarantee to fetch a good recurring income for life. Since you can do the marketing with your mobile phone or Even mouth advertising.

Introducing 500naira Networking Club
500naira Networking Club is an English based Nigeria Internet Networking and Refferal Company that create opportunity for Individual to make money By reffering other people to Join the club under them, The club membership fee is N500 monthly and this gives you three exclusive access.

1. Your Account become approuved  each month you pay your club membership fee

2. You will be ably to download Ebooks that worth thounsands of Naira every month, This ebook are premium ebooks you will not found around, they are ebooks that will open your eyes to riches on the Internet, we also have educational books on list, Like web designing tutor ebooks, Making Money ebooks, personal development ebooks, dating books, health books. The good thing is that all this books come with a resell right, that means  when you get this books in 500naira Networking Club members area, you can decide to resell it to other people. The membership fee is N500 for each month, you will get different ebooks every month, lets say you only decide to sell one book out of the books for just N1000 for each downloads, it is easy to do, you create a sales page online and do the  marketing , if you only make 10 sales in a month, that is another N10,000 in your pocket from the book you get for FREE. The ebook you will get from the membership of 500naira Netorking Club is PREMIUM nad you cannot get it elsewhere.

3. You will Earn 60% membership payment of each person you refer and join under you. Immediately you register with 500naira Networking club, and get your account approuved, You will be able to log in to your control panel and copy your refferal code, You can then start inviting members to join through your link. When someone register through your link the person will be your refferal and you will earn 60%  of his/her membership fee, that is N300/person, so lets assume you are able to refer 500 person in a month, lets do the calculation 500 X 300= N150,000, do not forget that, 500naira Networking Club will not pay you once. You will continue to receive cash every month , since the person you refer need to pay their monthly membership fee. that means the more you refer the more you earn, if you refer 500 members this month and they all get thier account approuved you will make N150,000, if by the second month only 300 of them pay thier membership fee that means you will get N300 X 300= N90,000, If you are not lazy you will continue getting more members under you and before you know you will break N300,000 Monthly.

500naira Networking Club Pay you directly to your Bank Account. when You Join you will see a space for your bank details. Fill the correct bank details in so you can receive your payment correctly. Minimum payout is just N1000 and paymnet are sent every week.

With 500naira Networking Club the income is Unlimited.
 Like to Join? CLICK HERE

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